Source: archers_20140611-1920b.mp3
You are listening to Wednesday's episode of The Archers from BBC Radio 4.
Morning, Neil. / Ho, morning, Tony. ... There. That's done. / Lovely day. / they're enjoying it. / well / glad you think so / 'cause / yours / delivery / in a couple of weeks' time / yes / that is, if / your / honor the contract / come to talk to me about. / yes, yes, it is.
Well, Bill and Ben, Jennifer can't come shopping / Lilian / she'll be at work. ... Yes, I was right. ... Hello, Lilian. I was just ringing / chance you might be free / obviously you are at work / wasn't that important / Jennifer / some problem / do bring it round so I can / see if I can help / see you soon. / Well, you two, looks as if / b__ for me. ... I know. But it won't kill me.
Uh, there you go / thanks, Neil / grand / So ...? / So, I've come to ask / your advice / experienced / man / seriously thinking / altogether / a man down, Neil / I know Pat thinks / Tom might come back soon, but ... / no / see / without him. Letting / go / comletely has to be an option. / drastic one / big part of the total business. / It is. But, if / come back / quite easy / re-establish / all that when you don't have to / manage / without him. / I think you can / I know / expect me to say that / interest / continuing after all / don't be daft. I know / best advice / that's why I wanted to talk to you. / OK. ... Hhh, I think you'd be crazy to give the pigs up / clear enough / go on / convince me / in place, you've got / infrastructure in place / staffed processing unit / and you've got Jazzer on the spot, even if / part / got a market for the meat / yes / big one / build that up again from scratch. / Tom ordered those piglets / out of pocket / whatever / what's the point in wasting your money paying me off / you might as well / see how you go / doing / without / there's no need to / committment / that's true / try / small / taking it slowly / keep / option / I suppose / seem silly to close them down before you have to, eh?
Morning. ... Thank you, driver.
Do take a seat, Mrs. Archer. / Thank you. ... Very kind of you to see me at such short notice. / insistent / important / think / convince you. / Well / that sounds intriguing. What are we talking about, exactly? / The plans for the new road / ah / strictly my bag, Mrs. Archer / I know / come / fix up a meeting for me with Justin Elliot. / I see. ... Well, he's a man with / finger / me, though, that he has no real knowledge, or understanding of life in Ambridge / influence on him and get across just how strongly our community is feeling about this / on the ground / Right. / maybe he / see me. / as I understand it, / three proposals / be chosen. / Well, I know / absolutely mustn't be.
that box of cabbages a bit closer. / for the leeks. / seems / longer every week / one of the things / Tom never complained about. / needed / every week without fail. / Yeah. / as / good discussion with Neil about the pigs / just needed someone else's / helped? / it did / lot of sense / I'd be unhappy if we didn't honor this contract. / I know. / makes more sense / Jazzer's skill with the pigs / even / part time / rather than / he doesn't wanna do / success with that. You should have seen / l__ w__ / still here / ... No. / So, if we just take one batch of pigs / at a time / see how / manage / realistically. / I'm so glad. / it's a good compromise. / I think so. / Only, Pat ... / Yeah? / I believe / Tom / anytime soon. I haven't changed my mind about that.
are you using your own banks? / Uh, yes / what do you want to me to do? ... There. / Unexpected item in __ area. / but I / oh, dear / unexpected item in __ area. / No, there isn't, you stupid machine. What do you want me to do now? / unexpected in b__ area. / oh, oh ... shut up.
The farm's been / family / for generations. This road would cut it in two / be compensation. / How could you compensate for something like that? / I was / hill on Monday. Have you been there? / Uh, not yet. But / view / very beautiful. / It wouldn't / bird / drawned up by lorries thundering past / prosperity to the village. / that matter / lost its heart and soul / well / Mr. / oh, please, call me Charlie / I'm not / the other proposals / far less d__, if there has to be / road at all / changes / But Route B seems / something very precious. We believe Justin Elliot has some sort of financial interest in the scheme / for me to say / very important / talk to him / face to face meeting is going to be possible. / Oh. ... Then you must relay our feelings to him. I'm sure you can use your influence with him. / flattered / and, as I say, / influencial man / power / put weight / one of the other less damaging schemes / would / matter of policy, you see / Of course. I hear / busy aquiring land / Route B area. / would you mind / heard that? / I can't remember. But __ difficult / secret in the village / Evidently. / And, of course / much more attractive / nearby / wasted your time otherwise. / you've made your case very clearly. / Thank you. / And I / convey / Mr. Elliot / thank you for your time / it's been / meet you, Mrs. Archer. / Oh, please, call me Jill.
Peggy, / Oh, hello, Fallon, How nice to see you. / How long have you been waiting there? / Quite some time. I think / time table wrong. / Hop in. I can give you / Ambridge / are you sure that's not out of your way? / No, not at all.
Jennifer told me how much Alice / Mad Hatter's / you did for Lynda / great Alice, not surprisingly. / such / original idea / one of Alice's friends / something similar for her. / You might / business / you're kidding / any spare time / mom and Kenton / eloping me / helping out with their / world cup events / themed nights depending on which countries are playing / food, d__ ... / I'd like to have / more of that / run the Bull / oh / talking of the world cup, let me show you. ... Look. Look ahead. / Where? / your side, the H__ house / yes / I suppose / covered / they've gone one step further than that. ... There you are. / Oh, my goodness / painted it. / What an enormoous England flag __ __ that is going too far. / don't think / popular / never / away / still __ with us. / no / it's so nice talking to you. / You too. / I seem to have been talking to machines all day ... recorded voices. Beeps. / I know. You can / be / phone / without actually talking to a human being.
Are you sure you won't come in for a cup of tea? / Oh, I'd love to / really / stuff / Yes, of course. ... Well, / thank you / bags / pleasure. I'm just ... I'm sorry I haven't got time to help you unpack / bye / Peggy / and thank you. / well. ... Bill, Ben, here I am. ... Did you miss me? Uh ... I'm glad someone's here to welcome me home.